vegen 和 vegetairan 的区别是什么

  • 2022-04-18 18:48

Neither vegans nor vegetarians eat meat. However, while vegetarians tend to consume dairy products and eggs, a vegan avoids all animal products, including eggs and dairy, and often inedible animal-based products, such as leather, wool, and silk. Vegetarianism is usually a diet, while veganism is a lifestyle. Vegetarians often choose their diet based on its reported health benefits or for religious or political reasons. In general, vegans have much stronger political beliefs regarding their diet, with some believing animals should be protected under many of the same laws that humans are.




    • vegan是严格素食主义者;vegetairan是相对较轻的素食主义者。 共同点是都不吃肉。 区别:前者凡是跟活动物相关的都不吃,奶制品、蛋类、鱼、肉。。。 后者不吃肉,但可能吃奶制品啊蛋类之类的。 前者更严格、更狂热的一种信念,认为所有动物应该跟人一样收到尊重。 后者更倾向于出于健康或宗教信仰或习俗不吃肉类。 以下是我从google搜到的内容,大致就是上面的意思: Neither vegans nor vegetarians eat meat. However, while vegetarians tend to consume dairy products and eggs, a vegan avoids all animal products, including eggs and dairy, and often inedible animal-based products, such as leather, wool, and silk. Vegetarianism is usually a diet, while veganism is a lifestyle. Vegetarians often choose their diet based on its reported health benefits or for religious or political reasons. In general, vegans have much stronger political beliefs regarding their diet, with some believing animals should be protected under many of the same laws that humans are.
      2022-04-20 02:38
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    • vegan 与vegetarian的区别如下: ①词性含义不同 vegetarian作为名词的意思是素食者,吃素的人;作为形容词的意思是素食者的,素菜的。 vegan是名词,意思是严格素食主义者(不吃肉、奶、蛋等,有的不用动物产品)。 ②用法侧重点不同 vegan是指纯素主义者(既不吃也不用任何动物产品, 如蛋、丝绸、皮革),而vegetarian只是指素食者,没有vegan那么要求严格。 例句: The menu changes weekly and usually includes aveganoption. 菜单每周都有变化,通常包含可供严格的素食者选择的菜肴。 Yasmin sticks to a strict vegetarian diet. 亚斯明坚持不沾一点儿荤腥。 扩展资料 后缀词根-rain,常见单词如下: ①historian 历史学家 例句: My father was a historian of repute. His speciality was the history of Germany 我的父亲是一名颇有名气的历史学家,他专门研究德国历史。 ②librarian 图书馆馆长,图书管理员 例句: The librarian entered a new book in the catalogue. 图书管理员把一本新书编入目录。 ③pedestrian 行人 例句: In Los Angeles a pedestrian is a rare spectacle 在洛杉矶很少见到步行者。 ④sanitarian 保健的,卫生的 例句: Sanitarian function dietary fiber and development prospect foreground of its new products 膳食纤维的保健作用及其新产品开发前景 。
      2022-04-20 02:37
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    • egetarian的定义比较宽松,不吃动物肉,但吃鱼虾、吃鸡蛋和奶制品,这也可以叫做vegetarian。 vegan的定义则比较严格,任何与动物沾边的东西都不能吃。 扩展资料 vegetarian 英[ˌvedʒəˈteəriən] 美[ˌvedʒəˈteriən] n. 素食者; 食草动物; adj. 素食者的; 素菜的; 造句 1.Vegetarian era vegetarianism and the path to compassion. 素食时代素食与慈悲之道 2.I ' m a vegetarian , brad . i eat tofu tuna. 我是素食主义者,布拉德.我吃豆腐金枪鱼 3.Not a few of my friends are vegetarian. 我朋友中不少人吃素。 4.He opened a vegetarian restaurant in his hometown. 他在家乡开了个素菜馆。 5.Fewer vegetarians than meat - eaters are overweight. 与食肉者相比,素食者较少超重。 vegan 英[ˈvi:gən] 美[ˈviɡən, ˈvɛdʒən] n. 严格的素食主义者; 造句 1.It is all 100 % vegan and animal friendly. 这是所有100 %素食主义者和动物友好。 2.A bunch of vegans and computer nerds. 一群素食主义者和讨厌电脑的人。 3.Vegans consume no animal products and are susceptible to vitamin b12 deficiency. 素食者不吃任何动物性食物,易患维生素b12缺乏症。 4.Worldfest vegan fair 2003 : promoting a compassionate way of life. 2003世界素食博览会-推广慈悲博爱的生活方式。 5.Vegetable oils we use only pure cold pressed vegan oils in our products. 植物油:我们仅使用低温淬取的植物油。
      2022-04-20 02:37
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    • vegetarian是吃素的人,只在吃上 vegan是完全的“素”,包括不吃荤的,还有不用和动物有关的东西,例如动物皮毛制的衣服等等,比vegetarian更加严格
      2022-04-20 02:37
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    • 无区别,vegan 是vegetarian的简称 硬要鸡蛋里挑骨头的话,vegan貌似更严格一些,即严守素食主义的人
      2022-04-20 02:37
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    • vegan 纯素主义者(既不吃也不用任何动物产品, 如蛋、丝绸、皮革) vegetarian n. 吃素的人 adj. 1 素食者的 2 只有蔬菜的
      2022-04-20 02:36
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    • vegan比vegetarian更素食的厉害,他们一点有关动物的都不吃,比如说鸡蛋,或者黄油等动物的衍生食品都不吃,而vegetarian就会吃一些,但不吃动物身上的东西,肉啊,内脏啊等。就是这样,嗯!
      2022-04-20 02:36
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