
  • 2023-10-04 04:30
简介100种健康素食排行榜:A list of 100 healthy vegetarian food:一,排毒最有效前20名: The first, best for demolishing poison1:黄瓜 cucumber2:冬瓜 winter melon3:海带..

100种健康素食排行榜: A list of 100 healthy vegetarian food:

一, 排毒最有效前20名: The first, best for demolishing poison

1: 黄瓜 cucumber

2: 冬瓜 winter melon

3: 海带 kelp

4: 绿豆 green bean

5: 魔芋 amorphophallus rivieri

6: 奇异果 kiwi fruit

7: 秋葵 autume sunflower

8: 茭白 wild rice stemg

9: 牛蒡 great burdock

10: 丝瓜 towel gourd

11: 苦瓜 bitter melon

12: 芦荟 aloe

13: 西柚 grapefruit

14: 木瓜 papaya

15: 薏仁 jobs tears

16: 莲藕 lotus root

17: 苹果 apple

18: 番茄 tomato

19: 竹笋 bamboo shoots

20: 茼篙 crowndaisy chrysanthemum

二, 降血压、血脂、血糖最佳20种: The second, best for diminishing hypertension:

1: 土豆 potato

2: 木耳 edible fungus

3: 芹菜 celery

4: 荠菜 qi leaves

5: 葫芦 bottle gourd

6: 荸荠 water chestnut

7: 西瓜 water melon

8: 洋葱 onion

9: 莲子 lotus seed

10: 茄子 eggplant

11: 山楂 hawthorn

12: 柿子 persimmon

13: 香菇 mushroom

14: 香蕉 banana

15: 菠菜 spinach

16: 姜 ginger

17: 核桃 walnut

18: 葵花籽 sunflower seeds

19: 豌豆 pea

20: 甜瓜 sweet melon

三, 抗癌最有效前20名: The third, best for curing cancer

1: 大蒜 garlic

2: 花椰菜 cauliflower

3: 胡萝卜 carrot

4: 大白菜 Chinese cabbage

5: 卷心菜 cabbage

6: 芦笋 asparagus

7: 红薯 sweet potato

8: 甜椒 hollow pepper

9: 大葱 spring onion

10: 芥菜 leaf mustard

11: 紫菜 laver

12: 玉米 corn

13: 南瓜 pumpkin

14: 苦杏仁 bitter almond

15: 蜜橘 tangerine

16: 枸梞子 Chinese wolfberry

17: 银耳 tremella

18: 峰蜜 honey

19: 口蘑 kou mushroom

20: 韭菜 chives

四, 提精神最佳前20名: The fourth, best for refleshing

1: 燕麦 oat

2: 小米 millet

3: 香蕉 banana

4: 黑巧克力 dark chocolate

5: 樱桃 cherry

6: 南瓜子 pumpkin seeds

7: 杏仁 almond

8: 核桃 walnut

9: 莴苣 lettuce

10: 草莓 strawberry

11: 蒜薹 garlic

12: 红枣 date

13: 豆腐 bean curd

14: 黄花菜 yellow cabbage

15: 葡萄 grape

16: 桂圆 longan

17: 芝麻 sesame

18: 莲子 lotus seeds

19: 苹果 apple

20: 蜂蜜 honey

五, 抗氧化、滋补、长寿前20名 The fifth, best for oxidation retarding, nutrition, longevity.

1: 芋头 taro

2: 玉米 corn

3: 土豆 potato

4: 红薯 sweet potato

5: 莲藕 lotus seed

6: 板栗 chest nut

7: 萝卜 turnip

8: 山药 yam

9: 大豆 beam

10: 大麦 barley

11: 荞麦 buckwheat

12: 红枣 date

13: 花生 peanut

14: 蜂蜜 honey

15: 蘑菇 mushroom

16: 水蜜桃 peach

17: 胡萝卜 carrot

18: 西兰花 broccoli

19: 绿茶 green tea

20: 南瓜 pumpkin

六,10种最健康的素食: The sixth, Ten best vegetarian food:

1: 大豆 bean

2: 花椰菜 broccoli

3: 葡萄 grape

4: 胡萝卜 carrot

5: 葵花籽 sunflower seeds

6: 玉米 corn

7: 核桃 walnut

8: 芦笋(龙须菜) asparagus

9: 黑木耳 black edible fungus

10: 紫菜 laver


